Thursday, July 13, 2017

Boeing To Relocate Jobs To Mesa, Arizona

Boeing To Relocate Jobs To Mesa, Arizona is available on: Red Hawk Property Management LLC

Boeing executives have announced plans to relocate hundreds of workers and jobs in their Shared Services Group from Seattle, Washington to Mesa, Arizona within the next two to three years. The division comprises 8,000 workers and provides support services to the other Boeing

[caption id="attachment_2699" align="alignright" width="300"] Mesa's Falcon Field Airport is the relocation zone for many of the Boeing empoloyees.[/caption]

units. Boeing (NYSE: BA) already manufactures Apache helicopters and has cyber security and drone operations at Mesa’s Falcon Field.

In a statement to defend the move, a Boeing official had these to say:
“This move will ensure that we are properly structured and positioned to provide the right services most effectively to help Boeing grow its business. The steps include efficiencies gained from automation, adjustments of the management structures, and the consolidation and the relocation of some of the work that supports enterprise-wide services over the next few years to Mesa, Arizona, and other Boeing sites.”

Boeing management had these more to say:

“We have just started engaging our employees in talks to help them understand the process and obtain their feedback as regards the issue. We know that such changes impact our employees and have thus chosen to speak to them directly this early to grant them the opportunity to consider their most appropriate path as we work through this. We are still at the beginning of the process that is expected to take around two to three years, and as such, we are still unaware of the number of persons who will be directly impacted and in what way(s).”


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